Natural betaine benefits broiler chicks

    This article looks at how natural betaine supplementation can reduce blood homocysteine and temperature stress in broiler layers, improving hatch rate by 2.5%.
    Document information
    Product / service: Natural betaine
    Publication date: 14/04/2014
    Species: Poultry, Layer/breeder
    Authors: Poultry CRC
    Doctype: Articles
    Publication / conference:
    Regions and countries: Global
    Keywords: betaine, layers, methionine, osmotic, heat stress, broilers, broiler, breeder, bio-efficacy, themostability, feed conversion, hatchability, production stresses, growth performance, dipolar structure, osmotic disturbances, sugar beet molasses, energy requirement, methyl groups, methylation, ration controlled, FCRc, betaine hydrochloride
    Production challenge(s): Gut health, Performance growth
    Diets: Corn & soybean meal & high fibre by-products., Corn & sorghum meal & high fibre by-products., Wheat and barley & high fibre by-products, Corn & soybean meal , Corn & sorghum meal, Wheat, rye & triticale
    Brands: Betafin® Natural Betaine, Optimize Feed
    Resource ref:
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