Effect of feeding diets containing a probiotic or antibiotic on broiler performance, intestinal mucosa-associated avian pathogenic E. coli and litter water-soluble phosphorus A.

    This paper compares in feed antibiotic use with probiotic application in diets, looking at bird gut health and also mineral balance.
    Document information
    Product / service: Enzyme and probiotic combinations, Probiotics, Enzymes, Carbohydrases and Proteases, Phytases
    Publication date: 18/01/2013
    Species: Poultry
    Authors: Jansen van Rensburg C, Amerah A
    Doctype: Publications & Citations
    Publication / conference: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition
    Regions and countries: Global
    Keywords: multi-strain Bacillus direct-fed microbial, feed enzyme, carbohydrase, agps, agp, antibiotic growth promoters, feed conversion, feed nutrient utilization, gut health, gut microbiota balance, non-beneficial, non beneficial bacteria, gut barrier structure, lectins, amen, amylase, apparent metabolizable energy, apparent metabolisable energy, b. licheniformis, b. pumilis, bacillus, colonization, colonisation, e.coli, energy expenditure, mode of action, nsp, poultry litter, protease, spore forming bacillus strains, starch digestibility, residual trypsin inhibitors, residual trypsin inhibitors
    Production challenge(s): Gut health, Performance growth, Increased profitability
    Diets: Corn, broken rice, wheat, Corn, broken rice, sorghum, Corn & sorghum meal & high fibre by-products., Corn & sorghum meal
    Brands: Syncra® AVI, Enviva® Pro, Axtra® PHY, Phyzyme® XP, Optimize Feed, FASTKit assay
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