Shifts in ileal mucosa microbiota throughout the production stages of swine poster

    Poster which illustrates a study designed to show how the commensal microbiota in the ileum mucosa changes over the complete life span of a commercially raised pig.
    Document information
    Product / service: Enzymes, Phytases, Carbohydrases and Proteases
    Publication date: 01/07/2014
    Species: Pig
    Authors: Davis E, Petri D, Rehberger, J, Mawell, CV
    Doctype: Publications & Citations
    Publication / conference: Animal and Environmental Applications
    Regions and countries: Global
    Keywords: bacillus, adult pigs, Bacteroides, Clostridium cluster, colonization, colonisation, commensal microbiota, Davis E, dietary components fiber, fiber digestion, finishing pigs, growerpigs, lactation phase swine, Mawell CV, nursery pig, Petri D, Prevotella, Rehberger J, swine microbiota, Swine ileal mucosa
    Production challenge(s): Gut health, Performance growth, Increased profitability, Waste Management
    Diets: Corn, broken rice, wheat, Corn, broken rice, sorghum, Wheat, rye & triticale, Wheat, rye and tricale containing by-products, Maize
    Brands: Axtra® XB, Axtra® PHY, Optimize Feed, Syncra® AVI, FASTKit assay, Phyzyme® XP, Avizyme®
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