Feeding a Buttiauxella phytase and a 3-strain Bacillus direct-fed-microbial (DFM) combination improves broiler performance

    There is a beneficial effect on bird performance, BWG and FCR, of the combination of a high dose of Buttiauxella phytase and this 3 – strain Bacillus DFM product
    Document information
    Product / service: Phytases
    Publication date: 20/04/2015
    Species: Broiler, Poultry
    Authors: Barnard L, Romero LF, Adeola O
    Doctype: Conference Presentations & eBooks
    Publication / conference:
    Regions and countries: Global
    Production challenge(s):
    Diets: Corn & soybean meal & high fibre by-products., Corn & sorghum meal & high fibre by-products., Corn & soybean meal , Corn & sorghum meal
    Resource ref:
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