PSA presentation - The Impact of Nutrition on Gut Health

    In his talk, “The Impact of Nutrition on Gut Health” which was co-authored with Luis Romero, Dr. Peter Plumstead, Associate Professor, Monogastric Nutrition at the University of Pretoria, outlines how the strategic use of feed additives can help tackle microbial imbalance.
    Document information
    Product / service: Carbohydrases and Proteases, Probiotics, Combined solutions, Services
    Publication date: 28/07/2015
    Species: Poultry
    Authors: Plumstead PW, Romero LF
    Doctype: Conference Presentations & eBooks
    Publication / conference: PSA Annual Meeting 2015
    Regions and countries:
    Keywords: probiotics, bacillus, DFM
    Production challenge(s): Gut health
    Diets: Wheat, Wheat, rye & triticale, Mixed grain, Corn & soybean meal & high fibre by-products., Corn & sorghum meal & high fibre by-products., Wheat and barley & high fibre by-products, Corn & soybean meal , Corn & sorghum meal, Barley, Oats, Rye, Triticale
    Brands: Enviva® Pro, Axtra® XAP, Axtra® XB, Avizyme®, Syncra® AVI
    Resource ref:
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