Effects of phytase supplementation on growth performance,nutrient utilization and digestive dynamics of starch andprotein in broiler chickens offered maize-, sorghum- and wheat-based diets

    This paper shows that phytase significantly increased weight gain and feed intake in maize-, sorghum- and wheat-based diets and supported better feed conversion efficiency but phytase responses in weight gain and feed conversion efficiency tended to be more pronounced in maize-based diets. Phytase significantly increased AME, AMEn and N retention in maize-based diets but not in sorghum- and wheat-based diets. Moreover, phytase only numerically increased digestion rates of starch and protein but significantly increased starch disappearance rates in maize-based diets. The hypothesis that phytase would improve these parameters irrespective of the type of grain on which the diets were based was not established because of the more pronounced response in weight gain and feed conversion efficiency in maize-based diets.
    Document information
    Product / service: Phytases
    Publication date: 01/10/2014
    Species: Poultry
    Authors: Cadogan DJ, Liu, SY, Peron A, Selle PH, Truong, HH
    Doctype: Publications & Citations
    Publication / conference: Animal Feed Science and Technology
    Regions and countries:
    Keywords: weight gain, Digestive dynamics, starch
    Production challenge(s): Sodium digestibility impact on profitability and perormance
    Diets: All diets
    Brands: Axtra® PHY, Phyzyme® XP
    Resource ref:
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