Advances in Understanding Enzyme Substrates in Feed and Available Solutions

    Luis Romero, Global Innovation Leader at DuPont Industrial Biosciences’ animal nutrition division, how recent research findings on interactions between exogenous enzymes and various feed substrates can be used to predict more consistent animal performance benefits. Dr. Romero, whose background spans biotechnology research and development, production economics and commercial poultry production, will cover the following in his talk: • Progress in the characterization of raw material substrates, particularly phytate ,a powerful anti-nutrient that is degraded by phytase in the gastrointestinal tract of chickens.to a greater or lesser degree depending on the phytase source and dose . • Recent research which clarifies the contributions made by amylases and proteases to starch, fat and protein digestibility – over and above those made by xylanase and cellulases - and prebiotic effects of certain enzymes. • The importance of factors such as animal age in choosing the ideal combination of enzymes to improve digestion and gut health. • How combining multi-enzyme combinations such as xylanase, amylase and protease with Bacillus - spp probiotics can improve the consistency of the response to these enzymes, both in challenge and non-challenge situations.
    Document information
    Product / service: Carbohydrases and Proteases, Phytases
    Publication date: 14/10/2015
    Species: Multi-species
    Authors: Romero LF
    Doctype: Conference Presentations & eBooks
    Publication / conference: AFMA 2015
    Regions and countries:
    Production challenge(s): Variability in feedstuffs quality and price, Gut health
    Diets: All diets
    Brands: Axtra® PHY, Phyzyme® XP, Axtra® XAP, Axtra® XB, Avizyme®, Porzyme®
    Resource ref:
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