The Importance of Poultry Gut Health in Achieving Optimum Value Through the Production Chain

    Dr. Gregory Siragusa, Senior Principal Scientist- Microbiology,DuPont presented this speech at the International Poultry Forum China 2015. The talk covers: • Factors contributing to poultry gut health and the role nutrition plays in achieving it. • Challenges posed by undigested feed substrates, production stress and the microbial overgrowth they can cause. • The challenge of reducing Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) usage, how AGPs work, and how overuse can impact food safety, bird health and human health. • How feed additives can radically improve healthy performance in both challenged and unchallenged circumstances.
    Document information
    Product / service: Probiotics, Enzymes, Essential oils
    Publication date: 01/08/2015
    Species: Poultry
    Authors: Siragusa, GR
    Doctype: Conference Presentations & eBooks
    Publication / conference: 4th International Poultry Conference, China
    Regions and countries:
    Keywords: china
    Production challenge(s): AGP reduction, Gut health, food safety
    Diets: All diets
    Brands: Enviva® Pro, Syncra® AVI, Enviva® EO, Avizyme®
    Resource ref:
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