Diversity and Succession of the Intestinal Bacterial Community of the Maturing Broiler Chicken

    The results from this studies suggest that host animals may have coevolved with unique strains of bacteria that have adapted to utilizing polysaccharides unique to the animal host. Research has shown that fecal bacteria from animals can be differentiated on the basis of ribosomal operon sequencing, ribotyping, or amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis. Additional studies using molecular typing techniques should reveal a host of relevant data concerning source point contamination, microbial evolution, microbial symbiosis, and effect of diet and other host factors on microbial community structure.
    Document information
    Product / service: Probiotics
    Publication date: 01/11/2013
    Species: Broiler
    Authors: Hofacre C, Harmon, B, Idris, U, Lu, Jiangrang, Lee, MD, Maurer, JJ
    Doctype: Publications & Citations
    Publication / conference: Applied and Environmental Microbiology
    Regions and countries:
    Keywords: microbiome, DFM, prebiotic
    Production challenge(s): Gut health
    Diets: Corn & soybean meal , Corn & sorghum meal
    Brands: Enviva® Pro
    Resource ref:
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