ENZYMES: Alternative solutions for AGP free poultry production

    As the industry’s search for the most effective alternatives to in-feed antibiotics continues, one thing seems clear, promoting positive gut health in the animal is essential to achieving optimal cost and performance. Gut health, described by Stephan Bischoff, is a balancing act that involves achieving homeostasis in interactions between the animal’s gut microbiome, immune function and nutritive processes.
    Document information
    Product / service: Probiotics
    Publication date: 09/09/2016
    Species: Poultry
    Authors: Awati A
    Doctype: Articles
    Publication / conference: International Poultry Production
    Regions and countries:
    Production challenge(s): AGP reduction
    Diets: All diets
    Brands: Enviva® Pro
    Resource ref:
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