Smart and flexible dosing of phytase for pigs

    While the benefits of phytase are clear, calculating its true value for pig producers is not quite as simple. For this reason, a smart and flexible dosing approach should be considered for pigs. By understanding the physiological changes in the animal at different stages of its life cycle, the optimal level of phytase can be recommended to maximise value.
    Document information
    Product / service: Phytases
    Publication date: 23/09/2016
    Species: Pig
    Authors: Dersjant-Li, Y
    Doctype: Articles
    Publication / conference: All About Feed
    Regions and countries:
    Production challenge(s): Improved performance with optimized dosing of phytase
    Diets: All diets
    Brands: Axtra® PHY
    Resource ref:
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