The benefits of using dig AA and ME matrix values in addition to P and Ca in broiler diets

    A phytase that is highly active in the upper GIT of poultry will break down phytate quickly and more completely. Such a phytase releases P from phytate and reduces the anti-nutritional effects of phytate, contributing to dig AA and energy. This study evaluated the possibility of applying dig AA, ME, Ca, dig P and Na matrix values in broilers. A meta-analysis was done using two sets of data: 1) Data collected from 6 trials containing: positive control (PC), negative control 1 (NC1) and NC1+500 FTU/kg of Buttiauxella phytase (NC1+500FTU). NC1 and NC1+500FTU had an average reduction of 0.13% dig P, 0.16% available P, 0.16% Ca, 0.03% dig Lys and 65 kcal/kg ME, and up to 0.03% Na vs. respective PC. 2) Data collected from 3 trials with 3 treatments: PC, negative control 2 (NC2) and NC2+1000 FTU/kg of Buttiauxella phytase (NC2+1000FTU). NC2 and NC2+1000FTU had an average reduction of 0.15% dig P, 0.18% available P, 0.16% Ca, 0.04% dig Lys and 71 kcal/kg ME, and up to 0.04% Na vs. respective PC. ....
    Document information
    Product / service: Phytases
    Publication date: 26/07/2018
    Species: Broiler
    Authors: Dersjant-Li Y, Hruby M, White, Emma, Evans C, Hardy, Rachael
    Doctype: Conference Presentations & eBooks
    Publication / conference: PSA 2018
    Regions and countries:
    Keywords: broilers, broiler, phytase, dig AA matrix, ME Matrix, performance
    Production challenge(s): Performance growth
    Diets: All diets
    Brands: Axtra® PHY
    Resource ref:
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