Feeding the high-performance sow

    Having 30 piglets per sow per year is starting to become common practice. At the same time, this puts pressure on the sow. Increased focus on keeping preweaning mortality low and sow health high is therefore a prerequisite for a good performing pig farm. Focusing on nutribiosis An interesting talk was given by Crystal Levesque from South Dakota State University in the US. She delved into the topic nutribiosis, which stands for a state to describe the interactions between nutrition, microbiome, and functions of the gut and immune system. Ms Levesque studied this concept and looked at the effect this has on sow and progeny productivity, she explained that the microbial diversity in the gut of pigs increases as the animal gets older.
    Document information
    Product / service: Enzymes
    Publication date: 17/04/2019
    Species: Pig
    Authors: E. Koeleman
    Doctype: Articles
    Publication / conference: All About Feed
    Regions and countries:
    Keywords: swine, nutribiosis, gut health, gut microbiota balance, nutrients
    Production challenge(s):
    Diets: All diets
    Resource ref:
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